Where children are challenged to be their personal best

Computing Graduate Award
Computing Graduate Award
“Believe you can and you’re half way there”
- Theodore Roosevelt
This part of the website contains the study material to become a graduate in Computing.
You will attend study sessions at school where you will learn the key facts and information about your chosen topic.
When you feel you are ready and prepared, let your teacher know so that you can take a test.
Remember, even when you work hard, you may not succeed at the first attempt. Stay focussed, stay strong and try again. We look forward to giving you your badge!

Choose your focus

Tim Berners-Lee
Margaret Hamilton
Example Questions:
When was Berners-Lee born?
Where was Berners-Lee born?
What was his hobby as a child?
How did he learn about electronics?
What is Tim Berners-Lee famous for?
Example Questions:
What did Hamilton do at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)?
What did Hamilton do for the Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) project?
In 1961, Hamilton became part of which programme?
Hamilton was responsible for the software that allowed which astronauts to land on the moon?
In which year did former President Barack Obama award Hamilton the Presidential Honour of Freedom?